Sunday, December 12, 2010


Okay so I received THE email last night. It reads:

"Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for admission beginning Spring 2011. You have shown that you are academically prepared, and also committed to upholding the high standards of the university."

Oh thank heavens! Well, I wanted to get in for January, (add in a very long exasperated sigh..), but I guess that's not the way it's supposed to be. Let me tell you... this has definitely been a trial of patience. And obviously I wasn't do very well with having patience because it kept taking longer and longer and longer and it seemed like it was never going to end! I kept telling myself to not worry and that everything with just play out the way it's supposed to. HA! Like that happened-me, not worry? Yeah right.

But one of the first things I thought was at least it's not for Fall Semester... It's not like I'm just dying to get out of Reno. It's really not bad here; I have a great job and now I can work four more months and make more money for school! It's just hard having no friends. The people in my life, make my life. If that makes sense. My friends are everything. The people I am close to in life are the people that support me and comfort me and simply make me happy. So it's just hard not having very many of those friends around. Especially when the friends that are left in Reno don't necessarily do things I would like to participate in on the weekends, if you catch my drift. So April, please come soon!!

Now I have decisions to make. Lots. Do I take classes at UNR for a semester, do I take online classes from Hawaii (which, by the way, I would have to decide and register and pay for by next week), or do I just wait for Hawaii and just keep working? Originally I also thought of returning back to BYU-Idaho for a semester and use my scholarship, but the only reason I would do that would be so that I could be with my friends up there haha. I don't think that will work out because Hawaii won't tell me what classes to take so I don't want to waste money taking classes that might not transfer.

After Christmas I have decided that I'm going to take some kind of break. It might only be for a week but I hope to visit San Francisco, Logan, and Rexburg, ambitious I know. But as lazy as it sounds, I feel like I need a break. Not for the resting purpose, well, maybe for that, but mostly just for a little bit of change. So hopefully that works out! I am loving this whole blog thing and I love that you guys love it too. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I know we're related but we're your friends too :) I would just work if I were you, well, a online religion class might be nice too. But seriously, tell us if you want to do something. I'm thinking about going ice-skating with the kiddos next week, wanna join?
